A Brief History of CaptainStephen T. Schoonmaker Post 1429,
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
The Post was instituted in the basement of St. Anastasia's Church, February 23rd., 1926.
Late in 1926 a resolution was passed calling upon the Township Committee to appoint a Patriotic Observance Committee, which Committee was approved and has taken charge of all official holiday observances since. Teaneck's Independence Day observance under the supervision of this committee has attracted the largest assemblages of citizens for several years, gathering anywhere in the county.
In 1927 through the co-operation of the Township Committee, the Plaza at the Municipal Building was officially named Veterans Plaza at the request of Schoonmaker Post.
The same year through the co-operation of local developers streets were name in honor of Dr. James Wallage Beveridge, first member of the Post to pass to his eternal reward; Captain Stephen T. Schoonmaker; and several local boys who had been killed in action during the World War. These streets are in Argonne Park.
In 1928 the Post erected a memorial and planted a tree on the municipal grounds in honor of Dr. Beveridge. Each year thereafter a ceremonial has been conducted at this monument on Memorial Day, Armistice Day and other memorial occasions.
April 6th., 1929, Captain Stephen T. Schoonmaker Post dedicated the monumental flag staff at the new Teaneck High School, in the presence of leading citizens of Bergen County.
In February 1930, the Post dedicated its present Clubhouse, the most outstanding landmore in the Township of Teaneck.
Each year, it will be seen, Captain Stephen T. Schoonmaker Post No. 1429, Veterans of Foreign Wars, has essayed some work of a patriotic and lasting nature.
In addition to community patriotic endeavors, the Post has since its institution maintained a Relief Fund. This fund has been supported by poppy sales prior to Memorial Day. Over one thousand dollars has been expended for veteran relief under the administration of members of the Post.
The Post has participated actively in State and National Encampments and has been honored by elective recognition, in the County, State and Nation. It has promoted Patriotic contests; Scout and School patriotic endeavors.
A Post Bed has been maintained since 1928 for the combined use of the Post and Ladies Auxiliary, at Holy Name Hospital. This fund is raised and maintained independetly of the Relief Fund. The latter fund is administered without regard to affiliation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
A Ladies Auxiliary was formed May 21st., 1926, and this unit has been associated in every subsequent activity of the Post.
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